saba chem

Saba Chem. Company (Saba Chemical Company) was established in 2003, and has always been one of the largest independent manufacturers of specialty chemicals in Iran with its up-to-date technical knowledge and valuable experience.
We produce special industrial chemicals for most of the Iranian companies with a capacity of 40,000 metric tons per year. However this can be increased up to 35% in case there is existence of suitable market for the domestic customers and/or the export of products. Some of our special products have been produced for the first time in the Middle East which are used in Iranian petroleum fields, petrochemical factories and steel industries.

Our product lines consist of more than 100 items, including cleaners, conversion coatings, corrosion inhibitors, metal working fluids, rust protective oils, etc. 

Date: 2021/08/28
Views: 7537
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